DIY SEO Strategies

Launching your Website, and embarking on a Do It Yourself SEO campaign, is very much like revisiting your early social interactions of school; particularly your High School Social Life. It would seem that pubescent self-esteem, and in this instance your Website’s success, is determined by the level of popularity and recognition you achieve; amongst your peers.

Search Engines measure popularity and credibility, by applying their unique algorithm to account for number of ranking factors; including established links, online reputation and more. In fact, established links are seen as a vote of confidence; a sort of “Yeah, I know Him/Her.”

Interestingly enough, a vote cast in your favor is also measured by the popularity/credibility; of the person (Website) giving it. For example: Everyone in the Geography or Chess Club might be quick to say that they know you, however this endorsement is highly unlikely to boost your over-all popularity; in school. Make no mistake though, every bit of positive effort counts. This especially holds true when favored school athletes and Cheerleaders, become familiar enough with your name; to acknowledge you in the hallway.

The successful strategies applied in High School, to gain notoriety and popularity; can easily be mirrored in your Do It Yourself SEO strategies. However, providing misleading information to your peers, or pretending to be something you are not; can have similar negative consequences. In the case of your new online presence, the much sought after “word of mouth” endorsements of popular High School peers, have been replaced by “Word of Mouse” Marketing strategies; and the reviews of opinionated consumers. More powerful than High school gossip, Internet and Social Networking participants are relentless in their pursuit of the latest news or gossip; and are quick to expose faults and untruths.

Unlike faded memories of lost love, or the quick sting of an embarrassing moment; indexed Webpages do not disappear.