The Different Forms of SEO Maintenance

So you have done your initial on page SEO, and even some link building and other off page seo strategies. Your website is starting to rank well and some traffic is starting to float. Is not the time to just let it continue or is there more that you can do to increase this traffic?

Now Is Not The Time To Forsake Your SEO!

Here are a few simple things that you can be doing now to fortify your search rankings and increase the traffic that your website is getting.

1. Fortify Your Current Rankings

If you have a page that is ranking well for a keyword, then keep working until you reach number one – because statistics show that a much larger percentage of visitors click through to the first link than even the second. And once you have reached that top spot (and it is generating good traffic) – don’t lose it!

The best way to make sure that you don’t lose a ranking is to continue to promote it! This can be done by regularly building links to the page and by remembering to link to that page from your new website pages as you create them. This internal linking will also help increase the time that your visitors stay on your website.

2. Target Long-Tail Versions Of Those Keywords

If your website is targeting bottled water consumers and you are ranking well for ‘bottled water’ then start looking for keywords that are an extension – such as ‘spring fed bottled water’ this will give you a much broader reach in your niche.

3. Research New Keywords

Keep finding new keywords that will continue to drive traffic through to your website.

Read this Market Samurai review to see the program that I use to do my keyword research (because it will save you a heap of trouble by finding the best traffic generating keywords in your niche!)

The most important thing is the remember that monthly seo maintence is important if you want to keep your current search engine traffic – and to create a lot more!