SEO Maintenance

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is often an ongoing process for major websites and online marketing websites. This is because any favorable search engine listings that had been gained through persistent SEO work can never be a permanent position and is bound to change gradually or even suddenly due to different reasons. Thus there comes the need for SEO maintenance programs whereby the websites top listings for specific keywords has to be maintained. Many businesses cannot just afford to loose their positions or it would directly show on the sales of products or services. It is better for such websites to have a full time SEO person/team to work on the site.

Thus SEO maintenance means not just being in same position but also improving the position. This is done by SEO tweaking and other processes. Some of the type of SEO maintenance work can include the following work;

Manual optimization of web pages
Web content addition
Blogging /article submissions
Competition analysis /monitor
Review /research keywords
Link development
Increasing the search ranking for keywords
While doing SEO maintenance work the client is usually informed of the various statuses of the website and related keyword strengths. This is done by submitting periodical SEO reports either on a monthly basis or can also be done fortnightly. These reports must show all the different modifications and changes made, site submission details, search engine position details, ranking report etc. Further, by making sure that all title and Meta tag reviews for all web pages are up-to-date with the search engine algorithms, one can ensure to continue having a good search engine listing.