SEO Article Submission – Steps to Simplify the Process

If you think that writing and publishing SEO articles is difficult, think again. There are techniques that you can use to simplify the process without sacrificing the amount of benefits that you’ll going to get from this amazing internet marketing tool.

First step is to identify the keywords that you’re going to use for your articles. This is very important. You need to target the same keywords that your potential clients are using when they’re looking for information related to your products and services. Make it a habit to use keyword suggestion tools like the one from Google as this offers accurate data. You would want to target the most popular keywords.

Choose your topics. Choosing your topics will become a lot easier when you know the most searched keywords in your niche. For example, if most of your potential buyers are searching for the term “DIY make up” you’ll know that they want a step-by-step guide that can empower them to apply their make up on their own. So, you may want to write an article that contains steps, tips, and techniques.

Put together informative content. Research your chosen topic before you start writing your articles. It will work to your advantage if you gather additional useful information as this will make your articles sound more authoritative. Then, write your articles with the aim to help or educate your readers. Give these people every piece of information that they need using simple terms and short sentences. Make sure not to leave them with unsolved problems or unanswered questions in their minds.

Optimize your articles. Make your articles search engine-friendly by writing them based on the latest algorithms or requirements of Google and other giant search engines. These engines will most likely to properly index your articles if they contain keywords on strategic points (titles, on each paragraph, resource box, and article summary) and if they don’t exceed the acceptable keyword density. It will also help if you use latent semantic indexing technique and other white hat SEO techniques.

Distribute your articles. Due to the popularity of article marketing, there are now hundreds, if not thousands of article directories in the online arena. Identify those that are trusted by both online users and search engines. These are the best sites where you should publish your articles to as they can give your copies the kind of exposure they deserve. Your articles will most likely to be accepted by the publishers if they contain at least 300 words, if they are properly optimized (no keyword abuse please), if they do not contain inappropriate content or ads, and if they are well-written and very informative. These publishers will require article summary, keyword list, and a resource box that will contain the link to your squeeze page, sales page, or main website. It’s your responsibility to make sure that the links on your resource box are working properly.