Search Engine and Directory Submission – Get Noticed

The idea of enhancing online visibility for a webpage through search engine and directory submission is selling like hot cakes. Both of these have been attempted and approved several times as strategies of search engine optimization.

Some Facts and Details

Direct submission of a website to a search engine is the quick and one line definition for it. If the link of your website appears at high positions in the result pages of big guns like Google, Yahoo & MSN, it is bound to give a boost to the fame of your venture. Webmasters submit their web pages differently while some like submitting one page at a time others prefer using a site map for the submission entire site in one go. Site map gives information to search engine about the list of websites and their pages. As per the recent development, many people, who are into Search Engine Optimizing, believe that search engine submission is no longer needed. This is because major explore vehicles now have their own crawlers or spiders that visit new Web Pages through links from other sites. However an exception to this is a new website under a new web domain name. Here, as there are no inbound links, it can’t get crawled and subsequently indexed by the search engines.

Directory Submission: Some Fine Points

Another way of ensuring visibility for your online venture is directory submission. A web directory keeps record or database of submitted web links and thereafter categorizes it on the basis of the content. This categorization depends on the whole website and not just few pages and keywords have nothing to do with it. Advantage with directory submission is that it provides permanent linking and relevant back links. Some of the popular web directories are Yahoo directory and open directory project.

Directory services are gaining popularity these days, and some of them are as follows:-

Automated services, it includes a software that submits your website in various directories in a very short time. Manual directory submission requires a directory submitter to copy and paste the data and then fill the forms. Niche services are for those websites that cater to a particular service or product. Here you can upload your site only to directories dealing with your product or service. Paid submission service involves payment of certain fees for the listing of web page in directories.