SEO Article Submission

Distributing SEO articles to different websites is considered to be one of the most effective ways in generating free traffic in the online arena. Here’s how you can succeed in this endeavor:

Think of your readers. Be reminded that your number one priority should be your target audience and not using keywords on your articles. Before you start the process of writing SEO articles, I suggest that you research the people that you’re writing for first. It’s important that you know exactly what they’re looking for. Are they hoping to find solutions to their problems? Are they in search of the best answers to their burning questions? Perhaps, they’re looking for guides and useful tips on how they can accomplish things on their own. Knowing what these people really need is the first step in producing very targeted articles that they’ll surely appreciate.

Be an expert. Research your chosen topics thoroughly before you start tapping on your keyboard. You would want to be able to offer your readers with even more information so they’ll consider your articles highly valuable. Read relevant, reputable websites, conduct surveys, do experiments (when needed), and interview other experts. Anticipate all the questions that your target audience might have and strive to find the best answers.

Be different. Instead of copying other’s work and instead of using other writers’ style and techniques, I suggest that you find your own voice so you can easily create a name for yourself. Strive to be different. Write in such a way that you’ll showcase your personality. Talk about topics that are seldom being discussed by your competitors. Offer new information instead of old ones that can easily be found on those articles that are already published in the online arena. Make your articles more useful, more informative, and more entertaining so you can make them stand out from the crowd.

Keep yourself posted about ever-changing algorithms of search engines. Google and other major search engines usually change their requirements when they’re indexing articles. You need to know about these changes so you’ll easily figure out what you can do to secure better ranking for each article that you write. As search engines usually don’t announce these changes, you will need to do some experiments to know what works and what doesn’t. It will also help if you work closely with other SEO experts who can surely offer you with useful tips and techniques.

Distribute your articles to more sites. One of the best ways to give your articles more exposure is by aggressively distributing them to all possible websites. These include article marketing directories (example; ezinearticles and goarticles), blogs and forums that are relevant to your chosen niche. It will also help if you use them on your own website and if you promote them using social networking sites that include Twitter and FaceBook.