Affiliate Marketing Networks – SEO and Social Media

The world of e-commerce is growing increasingly complex with affiliate marketing networks, search engine optimization (SEO) methods and social media tools becoming increasingly important. Integrating SEO and social media efforts to develop affiliate marketing networks is an effective way of increasing brand recognition and improving overall sales of goods and services.

Effectively Utilizing SEO to Develop Affiliate Marketing Networks

Mastering SEO methods to successfully drive traffic alludes many. In fact, Conductor, a New York based SEO technology and services company recently reported that fewer than half of Fortune 500 companies have successfully mastered developing content with specific keywords that actually improve their search engine ranking. So how can the average marketer improve those odds?

1. Quality: High quality content is a must. Content which captures the attention of search engines and is interesting and intriguing to those reading it.
2. Quantity: Content which is new and fresh is likely to attract traffic.
3. Frequency: Providing fresh, quality content on a regular basis keeps people coming back to your site.

So how does this relate to affiliate marketing networks? Any Internet marketer interested in utilizing affiliates to move products and services will need to be visible not only to potential customers, but also to affiliates who can move goods for you. Developing such a network also increases your standing as it naturally develops those inbound links that search engines like.

The Connection between SEO and Social Media

It’s important to integrate your SEO efforts with social media tools. More and more Internet users (And there are more than 6.7 billion of them worldwide!) are spending an increasing amount of time on social media.

Having a presence in the social media world provides this extensive user base with information about your products and/or services increasing brand awareness and sales. In addition, providing links to your website on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter improves your SEO by increasing your inbound links.

Keeping Track of Multiple Transactions

Monitoring affiliate networks, SEO and social media efforts is essential for effectively allocating resources to those areas which are providing the biggest ROI. It also enables you to appropriately adjust the focus of your time, energy and financial resources as needed.

Maintaining accurate records of the transactions taking place within your affiliate marketing networks is also vitally important. Not only does it help you recognize those affiliates who are effective at directing traffic and increasing the sales of goods, but it enables you to provide a detailed accounting of sales and commissions to the IRS come tax time.