Article Submission to Blogs

Today every one wants to earn online and earning online was never as easy as with the introduction of blogs. The blogs are available with ready templates and one with little knowledge of web development skills can work with these and can add to his income. Now what are essentials of blogs? First the new articles should come on it daily along with traffic. Looks impossible? No its just a little effort if you are on right track.

When I decided to step into the world of online earning I did not know what is blog and how to write articles on it. Many blogs made by people do not allow you to post on them so its hard to find a friendly blog that allow you to do this. Once you have learned the art of article writing then its time to start blog. Once blog is online now its Important to increase its PR and traffic. To increase the traffic to my site I personally joined the micro job sites that allowed me very economical traffic to come to mine site. I just created a campaign and people started to come to mine site. For PR and to get high ranks in search engines SEO ( Search engine optimization ) is something which comes into play. Now most of us are not aware of its importance and how to use it. I do not go into the detail and just want to give you a hint that if a reputable site or blog has link of your site at there own site, called backlink the possibility of PR is much higher.

Who was gonna let me put my link on their site? During mine campaign raising time I visited a few sites which promised much but delivered nothing but at the end I was successful to find suitable one for me. Here I wrote on their blog for free and enhanced mine article writing skills as well as mine traffic. Moreover it was great for me that I put mine site links called backlinks there and from there on mine success in the field of online earning reached to new heights. A good reputable free blog allowing you to post articles for free is something, you should always look for if you want to earn online. Earning online is not cup of tea if you do not find the right track. There is no shortcut to experience and its better to listen others when you are new.