Article Submission Websites

Article submission sites are websites where you can submit your articles for publication so as to generate traffic.

There are many article submission websites and it seem to me that we are seeing more and more pop up on the internet.

The original intent of these sites was. to provide people information about a certain subject. But when the internet started to grow and more and more people started buying in online stores, these sites were used to promote products. By writing an article about a product, you let Google or an other search engine know where to go when people look for that product.

The goal that any internet marketer will aim for with his article marketing, is to get on page 1 of the search engines. To submit to any article submitting site, it is very important to read the guidelines before submitting, Nothing is more frustrating then spend time writing an article and not get approved, because you did not read the guidelines. Believe me, I have been there, done that.

For most sites you have to register before you can submit any articles. Usually you can also create a pen name that you are going to use. Most of them let you create several pen names, so you can use a different one for every subject. After this most sites have a few of the same guidelines like:

Minimum word count
Content should relate to the title
Keyword density
Proper English
Grammar and spelling.
Different kind of article submitting sites. There are different kind of sites. Sites that really care about content and all the other guidelines. These sites usually rank high in the search engines and are used for this purpose.Others sites have not so many guidelines and are mainly used to provide back links to articles and websites.

Like the site I am writing this article. It is known for being strict with their guide lines and it can take up to a week before you can get approved. But they rank high in Google and you article will get indexed real fast, because the search engines crawl it all the time for new content.

Other sites may approve faster, but might not rank so high or it takes longer for sites like Google to index it.

It is very important to choose the right submitting site. Think what you want to achieve. A quality article, that get ranked high in the search engines, or create links to your website, blog, or even article. Do some research before you decide where to submit. There is more then enough information available.