Quantity Vs Quality

Link building is indispensable for an on line business and is an integral part of every SEO campaign. Building link is extremely important when it comes to strengthening a business and empower it to survive the competitive environment. Therefore, it is very important to carry out a link building process for your web site. Link building SEO is immensely helpful and help a business to gain an identity for itself.

When it comes to building links, more often than not, people prefer quantity over quality. This can prove to be disastrous. For Google, it is the quality of links that matters the most. Having n number of links from irrelevant and shady web sites is not going to do you any good. Google indexed and rank websites according to certain quality parameters. Quality of links is one of them. It is extremely important to do the website link building in a natural way and emphasize on the quality of links.

Having a number of links may make you feel that you are well connected to a number of web sites, but it will all come down to naught if all the web sites you have sourced linked from are not reputed and relevant. The quality of a link is determined by the relevancy and authority of a web page from where it is sourced. It is very important to procure links from a web page which is thematically similar to your website. Also, it should be credible and reputed. Another factor to keep in mind id that it should enjoy a good page rank, that is, between 1 and 4. This will help to pass important link juice to your site. It will also improve your PR.

It is important to realize that it is not the number that counts. You should refrain from acquiring links just because they are easily available and seem lucrative. Not all links are equal. You must keep the above mentioned points in mind to ensure that you get best quality links for your web site, which provide long term benefits to your business.