Social Bookmarking Service

Designing an attractive website and inserting good contents in it is not a guarantee that you will make it online. You will also require driving traffic in your site since profit is your primary target to attain. A number of methods have been invented by webmasters to increase your page ranking so that it can appear on top of the search results. SEO is a reliable means you can have your page ranking on top of the search results.

For people who are not savvy online, this can sound a new principle. It is a process in which keywords are used in locating your site. These keywords are inclusive in URLs which are then distributed with the help of social bookmarking service.

The social bookmarking service involves collection of sites dealing with similar contents, arranging them and sharing too. This method creates a community of people interested with similar contents. People sharing URLs require being members of certain social sites.

An important thing about the bookmarking service is the fact that you get back links from pages that have high PR. This helps in increasing your link popularity which is essential in attraction of search algorithms spiders into your site.

The important consideration that you should make when you are sharing your bookmarks is the contents of the sites you submit them. Let these sites be dealing with contents similar to your site too. Delivering several links to sites that are not dealing with similar contents as you is no different from fetching water with a basket.

Social bookmarking service helps in SEO through provision of back links from other sites. Search robots recognize pages that experience high traffic due to their more visibility. Traffic juice netted by URLs will hence help the search robots to be crawling in your site and displaying your site on top of search results.