Strategies for 2011: Customer Service Equates to Cash

Competition in the search engine optimization services industry is fierce, and if you’re determined not to be drowned in the flood of new SEO’s this year, making customer service a priority as part of your SEO strategy will be essential to survival. Because SEO companies are often in reality just a one or two person team, it can be difficult to manage all the tasks of the job and provide exemplary customer service as well. And because an SEO, SEM, or SMM expert communicates primarily by email, there is also a great deal of personal interaction with clients that is lost. Missing opportunities like these ultimately leads to decreased retention rates and fewer referrals. Because your success is so obviously tied to that of your client’s, making good customer service a central focus in your SEO strategies for 2011is critical.

2011 SEO Strategies for Better Customer Service

1.) Educate your clients. While many clients might claim to know a great deal about search engine optimization, the reality is that most know very little about the field. Any good SEO expert learns his client’s business in order to launch an effective, targeted internet marketing campaign. Unfortunately, most clients do not take the time to learn about search engine optimization, which means that educating them on what you do is your task. This is important, because most problems between clients and search marketing experts are the result of misunderstandings about what SEO it is, how it is conducted, and what the results will realistically be.

Taking the time to educate your customer will help them to understand that what you do is, in all likelihood, worth far more than what you actually charge. SEO strategies that generate success are complex and involve more practices, rules, restrictions, loop holes, and trends than you could possibly explain to a client. However, talking to them about the intricacies of how and why things like linking campaigns or on-page optimization or a business blog can help to establish the foundation for lasting success is a wise investment of time on your part, and on the part of your client. Besides, how else will your client appreciate what you do unless they understand your trade?

2.) Offer Free Added Benefits. A customer doesn’t need to know that as a part of your SEO strategy, you’re probably reviewing their website’s analytics on a regular basis anyway. But taking the time to print out a summarized copy and mail it to clients on a quarterly basis is one gesture that will cost you next to nothing yet provides great value to your client. Offering to provide free basic keyword research, SEO packages quotes, or directory submissions also takes little effort on your part and can be used as additional leverage when negotiating a contract.

Free products for your customers might seem like a cost prohibitive expense, but thinking outside the box will demonstrate that this is not the case. For instance, why not write an eBook that would be interesting to your clients, or offer free downloads of article or press directory submission software. You can also make widgets and plugins (or have them made cheaply) and offer those as a free download on your site. These types of freebies are inexpensive for you to create and offer, but provide added value to your clients that will ultimately lead to a deeper and more memorable customer service experience.

3.) Respond to communication promptly. Unless you have an auto-responder set that alerts clients to exactly how long it will take you to respond, most of your clients will never know what to expect when they send you an email. Set the example early and often by responding as quickly as possible any time a client queries you. This doesn’t meant that you must completely resolve their issue or meet their need, but it does mean that you should at least acknowledge their communication and let them know what to expect. A fast reply to their email that reads something like: “Thanks for the question, I will research this and get back to you tomorrow” will make most clients feel like you are committed to their project by providing clear communication expectations. This is important to everyone; especially clients of SEO companies, because your services essentially determine your client’s level of success.

4.) Let them know you’re a human. If you answer emails professionally every time, do the job perfectly every time and only communicate when it is necessary for business purposes, you’ll be doing nothing to create a human connection between yourself and your client. Working behind a computer screen for a living robs SEO experts of this crucial aspect to client relationships, so it’s necessary to create this connection in order to not be perceived as an efficient drone that has no personality. Of course, you’ll still want to be professional and produce flawless work, but you need to showcase the personal side of you that your client would normally encounter if you were conducting business in person.

One good practice is to lighten up in communications with your clients. Wish them a good weekend on Friday, show a genuine interest in their business or specialties, make an appropriate joke and include a smiley face, and always, ALWAYS thank them- every communication, every time. Taking additional steps such as sending thank you or holiday cards also shows that your personality is not only thoughtful, but appreciative- a highly desirable trait in anyone that you pay money to for any reason.

Your SEO Strategy for 2011 needs to focus on customer service if you intend to set yourself apart from the thousands of other people clamoring their way into the already overcrowded SEO services industry. And because nearly anyone with a computer can build a website for free and claim to be an SEO expert, competition in this field is only going to become increasingly more intense. This means that retention is going to be a crucial factor for SEO in 2011, and retention depends upon superior customer service.