The Value Of Social Bookmarking

The kinds of websites that you can go on for this social exchange are websites like delicious, dig and stumble on. They have grown remarkably over recent years because people are very interested in telling other people what they like and also seeing what other people like. It is a really great way to share ideas in areas that interest you while remaining fun with the social aspect of it.

In seo (search engine optimisation) social bookmarking is really shaking things up and it is a really powerful tool to help increase websites traffic and search ranking. If a website can write a piece of content that is very useful and engaging then enter it into social book marking websites eventually many people will view it and bookmark it which means that it can create many visitors to that website and potential customers. Also increased amount of links to the website means a better overall seo rank for that website as well. So in terms of using social bookmarking for a commercial purpose it really is a remarkable tool if utilised correctly.

Some frequently asked question around social bookmarking get asked a lot of the time and we will try to address them below.

Is social bookmarking the same as social networks such as Facebook?

Simply put the answer is no. Social networks like Facebook are all about profiles, exclusivity and interacting with friends i.e. people you know. While social bookmarking is social, you do not normally know the other people and it is more about sharing your likes with people rather than profile searches and photo sharing etc.

Is social bookmarking essential for seo?

It is hard to say whether it is essential or not for seo but we would say any company who can utilise good social bookmarking results is a very good seo company as it is not an easy task to achieve. Some of the more affordable seo companies may not undertake it as their core seo practises but on special occasions they can use it for more competitive key words or terms. In conclusion it is not essential but it can really help trump the competition’s seo strategies.

Social bookmarking is something to keep a good eye on because it can really improve your knowledge on subjects but also from a commercial perspective it is a great tool to get your name and brand across to many people in an engaging way.